Awarded by Tezpur Mahila Samity on 2017 July 24
Being part of society we love to work for the peoples. We feel helpful when someone from the public also comes forward to help us. We would love to get any kind of assistance from you!
Being able to help someone learn something is a talent.
Wedding Ceremony of Rina Parja . This is one of the major success for us. May God Bless Her. Happy Married Life For Rina Ba and Papu
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. For a healthy life cycle, a person needs to have a balanced diet and has to regularly exercise. ... Our social environment is an important factor in our individual health. So, We have arranged Health Camps for our Kids. Thanks to the doctors and supporters from Tezpur University. Event Date 20/11/2019
We are really thankful for the support. We will use the donation for treatment of Amrisha . Thanks a lot again.
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